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Futures trading, a financial strategy of considerable acumen, revolves around acquiring or liquidating futures contracts to garner profits from price fluctuations within financial markets. These futures contracts serve as legal agreements dictating the acquisition or disposition of an underlying asset at a future date, locked into an agreed-upon price in the present.

The forthcoming article shall serve as a beacon of understanding in the domain of Futures Trading, elucidating its core tenets, risk factors, and strategies.

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Key Features of Futures Trading

  • Trading Frequency: Futures traders often engage in short-term trades and may open and close positions within the same day. However, some futures traders hold longer-term positions.

  • Diverse Underlying Assets: Futures are available on various underlying assets.

  • Leverage: Futures trading allows traders to control large amounts of assets with relatively small initial capital. This is achieved through leverage, which amplifies both potential gains and losses.

  • Expiration Date: Each futures contract has a specific expiration date on which the transaction must be executed. Traders can choose futures contracts with different expiration dates based on their objectives.

Operation of This Trading Strategy

  • Market Analysis: Futures traders thoroughly analyse the markets and assets they wish to trade. This involves using both technical analysis and fundamental analysis to make informed decisions.

  • Contract Selection: Traders choose specific futures contracts based on their expectations of price movements. Each contract is associated with a particular underlying asset.

  • Opening Positions: Traders can open long positions (buy) if they expect prices to rise or short positions (sell) if they anticipate falling prices.

  • Position Management: Traders must monitor their positions closely and decide when to enter or exit the market. This includes implementing stop-loss orders to limit losses.

Pros and Cons


  • Earning Potential: Leverage in futures can yield significant profits if the right choices are made.

  • Diversification: Futures provide access to a wide range of markets and assets, allowing traders to diversify their portfolios.

  • Hedging: Futures are also used for risk hedging, enabling businesses to protect themselves against adverse price movements.


  • High Risk: Leverage in futures can lead to substantial losses if the market moves against the trader's positions.

  • Requires Knowledge: Futures trading demands a deep understanding of markets and strategies, which can challenge novice traders.

  • Volatility: Futures markets can be highly volatile, meaning prices can change rapidly in short periods.

Choosing the right trading strategy is a crucial decision for any investor. There is no universally superior strategy, as what works for one person may not be suitable for another. Your choice should be based on your financial goals, risk tolerance, and lifestyle.

Choosing the right trading strategy is a crucial decision for any investor. There is no universally superior strategy, as what works for one person may not be suitable for another. Your choice should be based on your financial goals, risk tolerance, and lifestyle.

Hourly Review of a Trader in this Strategy

Futures trading is an activity that involves a series of tasks throughout the day. Below is a list of hours highlighting what a real trader does in this strategy:

Before Market Opening:

  • Review economic news and events that may affect the markets.

  • Analyze the previous day's closing prices and previous trends.

  • Set stop-loss and take-profit levels for existing positions.

Market Opening:

  • Monitor the market opening and initial reactions.

  • Look for trading opportunities based on technical and fundamental analysis.


  • Execute trades according to established strategies.

  • Closely monitor open positions and price movements.


  • Review current news and market updates.

  • Evaluate if adjustments to open positions are necessary.


  • Continue monitoring trades and key indicators.

  • Prepare strategies for the market's closing session.

Market Closing:

  • Evaluate the day's performance and conduct a post-closure analysis.

  • Update stop-loss and take-profit levels if necessary.

  • Prepare for the trading session of the following day.

Most Used Indicators in Futures Trading

  1. Volume: Volume is a fundamental indicator in futures trading. It shows the number of contracts traded within a specific period. Increasing volume often indicates greater interest in the underlying asset and may suggest an emerging trend.

  2. Open Interest: Open interest represents the total number of outstanding futures contracts in an underlying asset. Changes in open interest can provide clues about market sentiment.

  3. Price: The current price of the futures contract and its behaviour over time are key indicators for traders. Technical and fundamental analyses are based on the underlying asset's price.

  4. Moving Averages: Moving averages are used to smooth price fluctuations and help identify trends. Simple moving averages (SMA) and exponential moving averages (EMA) are common in futures trading.

  5. RSI (Relative Strength Index): RSI measures the speed and change of price movements. It is used to identify overbought or oversold conditions, which may indicate a potential trend reversal.

  6. MACD (Moving Average Convergence Divergence): MACD is a momentum indicator that helps identify the strength and direction of a trend. It is comprised of two lines (MACD and signal line) and a histogram.

  7. Bollinger Bands: Bollinger Bands consist of a central band (SMA) surrounded by two standard deviation bands. They help identify volatility and potential trend reversal points.

  8. Fibonacci: Fibonacci levels identify potential support and resistance levels in futures prices. Traders look for retracements or extensions based on these levels.

  9. Ichimoku Cloud: This indicator provides information about trends, support and resistance levels, and entry and exit signals. It is especially popular in forex futures trading.

  10. Momentum: Momentum indicators like the Relative Strength Index (RSI) and Stochastic help traders assess the speed and strength of price movements.

  11. Candlestick Patterns: Candlestick patterns, such as hammer, shooting star, and doji, can provide signals about potential changes in price direction.

  12. Economic News and Events: Futures traders must also stay informed about economic news and events that may impact underlying assets, such as employment reports, inflation data, and interest rate decisions.

Risk Management

Risk management is critical in futures trading, as leveraged trades can lead to substantial losses. Here, the importance of risk management is emphasized, and how traders can mitigate risks associated with this strategy:

  • Set Limits: Traders should establish clear limits on the capital they are willing to risk in each trade.

  • Use Stop-Loss Orders: Place stop-loss orders to limit losses if the market moves against open positions.

  • Avoid Over-Leveraging: Avoid excessive leverage that could jeopardize the entire capital.

  • Follow a Strategy: Maintain a consistent trading strategy and avoid impulsive trades.

  • Constantly Update: Regularly review and adjust strategies and risk limits as market conditions change.


In summary, futures trading is a strategy that requires a disciplined approach and careful risk management. Traders must be prepared to face market volatility and adhere to a solid trading plan. Understanding and mastering this strategy is crucial for long-term success in futures trading.

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